The Power of Networking

You are alive mural - Maser Art

The Power of Networking

This video which was released today by Failte Ireland was directed by Anne Zahan who works with ‘In the company of Huskies’, a Dublin-based digital marketing agency. Anne is from Toronto without a drop of Irish blood but decided Dublin was a cool city and she wanted to work here. So she began to ‘work her Network’ and this is how it happened.

Kingsley knew Robert who introduced him to Bill who’s wife Rachel was a client of Anne back in Canada. Rachel asked Kingsley to meet Anne when she came to check out Dublin. He introduced Anne to Michael who gave her advice on the Dublin agency scene. Anne used Linkedin to connect with key contacts in Dublin and one of these, Dave, ended up working with Huskies where Anne is now…….. the rest is history.

Thanks Anne for a terrific edgy piece of creative – coming from a Dub – true and true…..!!!!!

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